Content Sharing Disclaimer: Military Turkey members are permitted to share content such as blogs, news, tenders, events, and reports related to themselves or their organizations. Users should be aware that some information and documents on this website may become outdated over time. Military Turkey does not guarantee the updating of these materials. Certain documents might contain forward-looking statements and estimated figures that reflect the current perspectives of the Company’s management and the source provider. These statements are based on assumptions, and actual results may differ due to changes in underlying variables and assumptions.

No logos or information owned by Military Turkey may be used by third parties without prior permission from Military Turkey management. Military Turkey, including its board members, executives, and employees, is not liable for any damages arising from the use of the website and its content.

Consent for Receiving Commercial Communications: By providing this consent, MT YAZILIM TEKNOLOJİLERİ A.Ş. authorized to send me commercial electronic communications, either directly or through third parties, via email, call center, phone, newsletters, automated calls, WhatsApp, Telegram, LinkedIn, Instagram, X, social media, and other similar platforms. These communications may include marketing, promotions, advertising, sales, customer satisfaction surveys, research studies, announcements, greetings, approvals, and related activities. I also consent to the storage of these activities within domestic and/or international service provider information systems, in compliance with Law No. 6563 on the Regulation of Electronic Commerce.

Comprehensive Policy: MT YAZILIM TEKNOLOJİLERİ A.Ş. is committed to fulfilling its obligations and ensuring customer satisfaction by delivering uninterrupted services with innovative approaches aligned with customer expectations. Our areas of focus include information technology product and service supply, project management, coding, software development, sales, and digital platform activities.

In our operations, we pledge to implement and maintain a comprehensive management system, developed in accordance with applicable standards, and adhered to by all our employees. To honor this commitment, we organize our business processes based on the following principles:

  • Develop, implement, and manage a comprehensive management system aimed at achieving peak performance in our processes; continuously monitor and enhance performance criteria and process activities, ensuring the highest applicability of our actions.
  • Ensure secure access to the information assets of our company and stakeholders.
  • Recognize and manage risks related to the confidentiality, accessibility, and integrity of personal data and information assets belonging to our company, customers, suppliers, and business partners.
  • Protect the institution’s credibility and brand image.
  • Enforce necessary actions in case of a breach of information security and personal data.
  • Foster a high level of awareness and full participation in information security and data protection practices across the company.
  • Systematically address information security and data protection, creating a structure that continuously improves, evolves, and mitigates the emergence of new risks.
  • Maintain service continuity and efficiency at the highest level in our products and services by integrating customer-focused and innovative approaches into our business processes.
  • Encourage leadership and employee involvement in all processes with a participatory and inclusive management approach, continuously enhancing business operations.
  • Maintain high levels of employee satisfaction, loyalty, and motivation through programs that support continuous development.
  • Act with honesty and transparency, adhering to legal and ethical standards in stakeholder relations; fulfill commitments while being a leader and example of reliability and consistency.
  • Effectively manage customer feedback, eliminate non-value-adding activities, and provide timely services through efficient resource utilization.
  • Identify and meet the expectations of our internal and external customers, suppliers, and other relevant parties using technological advancements in corporate communication; support continuous improvement, learning, and innovation while adopting a culture of excellence.
  • Comply with all customer requirements, legal obligations, and relevant standards.
  • Measure process performance using accurate data, methods, and systems, providing input for ongoing improvements.
  • In line with our continuous improvement philosophy, we are committed to delivering services at international standards by enhancing efficiency in our business processes.