Turkish defense company HAVELSAN has introduced a new capability to its autonomous ground vehicle, BARKAN: kamikaze ammunition. This makes BARKAN the first unmanned ground vehicle in its class to be able to fire kamikaze ammunition. BARKAN is equipped with two hydrogen-supported launchers, one for laser-guided systems and one for kamikaze ammunition. It can operate within a radius of 2 to 15 kilometers. The kamikaze ammunition has a range of 15 kilometers, can fly at an altitude of 3,000 meters, and can stay airborne for 40 minutes. Firing kamikaze ammunition from an unmanned ground vehicle is a first in the international arena. BARKAN’s modular structure also allows for quick integration of different payloads. HAVELSAN Product Development and Production Director Veysel Ataoğlu said, “We are trying to create the battlefield concept of the future.” He added that they have integrated different payloads into BARKAN and completed firing and testing activities. “For the first time on international platforms, ammunition was fired from a Medium-1 class unmanned ground vehicle,” said Ataoğlu. “These unmanned systems will be used as a pioneer unit of the Turkish Armed Forces in the future.” Ataoğlu also pointed out that the kamikaze ammunition can be equipped with swarm capabilities, with the aim of increasing deterrence in the “mixed swarm” concept. He said, “We have reflected the concept of using all systems as a swarm, both on land, in the air, and at sea.” Ataoğlu emphasized BARKAN’s autonomous capability, saying that their main goal is its ability to carry out tasks without any user interface or user. He added that they are also working on enabling the vehicle to use different weapon systems at the same time, making it more versatile and adaptable. In conclusion, BARKAN is a cutting-edge unmanned ground vehicle with unique capabilities and autonomous operation. It is set to make a mark in the battlefield of the future. #BARKAN #UGV #kamikazeammunition #autonomousvehicles #battlefieldofthefuture #Turkishdefense #HAVELSAN